
Posts tagged with words

  1. Farewell, Fear

    2014-10-09 22:30:00 UTC

    What do we fear the most? I know what I fear. I fear bidding permanent farewell to my loved-ones On Independence day July 4th 2014, my family and I wished our final farewell to 梁陳慕貞, the woman whom I affectionately call 婆婆. Every winter break my mother and I travel…

  2. Mid-Autumn

    2014-09-11 13:15:44 UTC

    Murky grey is her face swirling the way milk glides through coffee. Ever so gently, pushing past the next molecule. The path, void of predictability: down it plunges; up it rises, now skating sideways before curling upon itself. Overhead and far from touch. Hide and seek she plays, one moment…

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